Company News

Customer Year-end party 2017

27/01/2018 | 08:56

As annually, on 26 January 2018 Kyoei Steel Vietnam Company organized “Year-end party” in order to send our sincere to value customers.

In 2017, the context of difficult economic conditions KSVC efforted to improve product quality and receiving customer’s belief, the brand of Kyoei steel develop day by day. 

BOD give flower and certificate to distributors

On this occasion, Kyoei and customer together review business activities in 2017 

In warm atmosphere of the Reed Hotel, General Director Yoichi Hoshino expressed sincere thanks to the customer, partners for cooperation, supporting so far.

BOD open the party

In the party, customer enjoyed the lucky draw program and received many valuable gifts from Kyoei.

General Director gives a special prize

We expected that in the coming time, we continue to receive more cooperation and support from customers.


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